
Product Search & Filters

Rating: 4.9/5

Launched: 2022-11-18

Languages: English

Wizzy is a sophisticated enterprise eCommerce Smart Search & Filters solution. Its intelligent search capability comprehends users' intentions and showcases the most pertinent products. Wizzy boasts highly customizable filters that can be conveniently viewed on the search results page. Additionally, Wizzy's smart eCommerce search is tailored for mobile devices, ensuring that mobile users have access to essential filters for efficiently refining search results.

Wizzy is a sophisticated enterprise eCommerce Smart Search & Filters solution. Its intelligent search capability comprehends users' intentions and showcases the most pertinent products. Wizzy boasts highly customizable filters that can be conveniently viewed on the search results page. Additionally, Wizzy's smart eCommerce search is tailored for mobile devices, ensuring that mobile users have access to essential filters for efficiently refining search results.

Wizzy is a sophisticated enterprise eCommerce Smart Search & Filters solution. Its intelligent search capability comprehends users' intentions and showcases the most pertinent products. Wizzy boasts highly customizable filters that can be conveniently viewed on the search results page. Additionally, Wizzy's smart eCommerce search is tailored for mobile devices, ensuring that mobile users have access to essential filters for efficiently refining search results.

Wizzy is a sophisticated enterprise eCommerce Smart Search & Filters solution. Its intelligent search capability comprehends users' intentions and showcases the most pertinent products. Wizzy boasts highly customizable filters that can be conveniently viewed on the search results page. Additionally, Wizzy's smart eCommerce search is tailored for mobile devices, ensuring that mobile users have access to essential filters for efficiently refining search results.

⭐️ Ratings & Reviews:

Avg. Rating: 4.9/5

Amount of Reviews: 24











Pricing of Product Search & Filters



Products & Pages - 10,000; Search Queries - 50,000; Collection Page Views - Unlimited; Synonyms - 30; Search & User Analytics - 30 Days



Products & Pages - 25,000; Search Queries - 100,000; Collection Page Views - Unlimited; Synonyms - 100; Search & User Analytics - 90 Days



Products & Pages - 50,000; Search Queries - 200,000; Collection Page Views - Unlimited; Synonyms - 500; Search & User Analytics - 365 Days

About the developer:

Average Rating per App: 4.9/5

Amount of Apps built by developer: 1