Discounts, Shipping rate calculator

Ship: free shipping calculator

Rating: 4.8/5

Launched: 2018-02-08

Languages: English

Immediately after installation, default settings will be in place for the free shipping feature, displayed below the 'Add To Cart' button by default. When activated, customers will view a free shipping box indicating the required amount for free shipping eligibility. Once a product is added to the cart, the free shipping box will update automatically.

Immediately after installation, default settings will be in place for the free shipping feature, displayed below the 'Add To Cart' button by default. When activated, customers will view a free shipping box indicating the required amount for free shipping eligibility. Once a product is added to the cart, the free shipping box will update automatically.

Immediately after installation, default settings will be in place for the free shipping feature, displayed below the 'Add To Cart' button by default. When activated, customers will view a free shipping box indicating the required amount for free shipping eligibility. Once a product is added to the cart, the free shipping box will update automatically.

Immediately after installation, default settings will be in place for the free shipping feature, displayed below the 'Add To Cart' button by default. When activated, customers will view a free shipping box indicating the required amount for free shipping eligibility. Once a product is added to the cart, the free shipping box will update automatically.

⭐️ Ratings & Reviews:

Avg. Rating: 4.8/5

Amount of Reviews: 123











Pricing of Ship: free shipping calculator







About the developer:

Average Rating per App: 4.8/5

Amount of Apps built by developer: 2