Customer analytics, Marketing analytics

Session Recording & Replays

Rating: 4.9/5

Launched: 2021-06-17

Languages: English

Imagine a Netflix-like service tailored for your Shopify store! Propel Replays captures your customers' browsing activity, providing valuable insights into what's effective, what's not, and revealing any hidden barriers hindering your sales. If you're running ads, it can also detect and mitigate the impact of bots and competitor interference on your ad budget. Discover how renowned brands such as Larizia, HAP, OutdoorDays, The Designer Rooms, Spa Durban, Wow Skin Science, Suva, and others leverage Propel Replays to enhance sales and enhance their online storefronts.

Imagine a Netflix-like service tailored for your Shopify store! Propel Replays captures your customers' browsing activity, providing valuable insights into what's effective, what's not, and revealing any hidden barriers hindering your sales. If you're running ads, it can also detect and mitigate the impact of bots and competitor interference on your ad budget. Discover how renowned brands such as Larizia, HAP, OutdoorDays, The Designer Rooms, Spa Durban, Wow Skin Science, Suva, and others leverage Propel Replays to enhance sales and enhance their online storefronts.

Imagine a Netflix-like service tailored for your Shopify store! Propel Replays captures your customers' browsing activity, providing valuable insights into what's effective, what's not, and revealing any hidden barriers hindering your sales. If you're running ads, it can also detect and mitigate the impact of bots and competitor interference on your ad budget. Discover how renowned brands such as Larizia, HAP, OutdoorDays, The Designer Rooms, Spa Durban, Wow Skin Science, Suva, and others leverage Propel Replays to enhance sales and enhance their online storefronts.

Imagine a Netflix-like service tailored for your Shopify store! Propel Replays captures your customers' browsing activity, providing valuable insights into what's effective, what's not, and revealing any hidden barriers hindering your sales. If you're running ads, it can also detect and mitigate the impact of bots and competitor interference on your ad budget. Discover how renowned brands such as Larizia, HAP, OutdoorDays, The Designer Rooms, Spa Durban, Wow Skin Science, Suva, and others leverage Propel Replays to enhance sales and enhance their online storefronts.

⭐️ Ratings & Reviews:

Avg. Rating: 4.9/5

Amount of Reviews: 349











Pricing of Session Recording & Replays

Free to install

About the developer:

Average Rating per App: 4.9/5

Amount of Apps built by developer: 5