Loyalty and rewards

Bold Memberships

Rating: 4.4/5

Launched: 2016-08-31

Languages: English

Encourage customer loyalty by offering a subscription to your brand through a membership program on your Shopify store. Set up recurring fees with the ability to control access to various features, products, and content through built-in recurring billing. Customize membership fees for different services and selectively show or hide content, grant member access to specific items, and even modify liquid templates exclusively for members.

Encourage customer loyalty by offering a subscription to your brand through a membership program on your Shopify store. Set up recurring fees with the ability to control access to various features, products, and content through built-in recurring billing. Customize membership fees for different services and selectively show or hide content, grant member access to specific items, and even modify liquid templates exclusively for members.

Encourage customer loyalty by offering a subscription to your brand through a membership program on your Shopify store. Set up recurring fees with the ability to control access to various features, products, and content through built-in recurring billing. Customize membership fees for different services and selectively show or hide content, grant member access to specific items, and even modify liquid templates exclusively for members.

Encourage customer loyalty by offering a subscription to your brand through a membership program on your Shopify store. Set up recurring fees with the ability to control access to various features, products, and content through built-in recurring billing. Customize membership fees for different services and selectively show or hide content, grant member access to specific items, and even modify liquid templates exclusively for members.

⭐️ Ratings & Reviews:

Avg. Rating: 4.4/5

Amount of Reviews: 293











Pricing of Bold Memberships

1-50 members


51-100 members


101-1000 members


1001-5000 members


Contact us for pricing for more than 5000 members.

About the developer:

Average Rating per App: 4.4/5

Amount of Apps built by developer: 8