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Findify Search & Personalize

Rating: 4.7/5

Launched: 2015-02-12

Languages: English, French, Spanish, , German

Findify provides enterprise-level Personalized Search and Merchandising, Smart Collections, and Recommendations powered by artificial intelligence. Merchants have the option to rely on Findify's innovative personalization algorithm for their needs, while also having the freedom to customize the customer experience according to their preferences. The solutions offered by Findify are fully adaptable to align with each merchant's brand and aesthetic.

Findify provides enterprise-level Personalized Search and Merchandising, Smart Collections, and Recommendations powered by artificial intelligence. Merchants have the option to rely on Findify's innovative personalization algorithm for their needs, while also having the freedom to customize the customer experience according to their preferences. The solutions offered by Findify are fully adaptable to align with each merchant's brand and aesthetic.

Findify provides enterprise-level Personalized Search and Merchandising, Smart Collections, and Recommendations powered by artificial intelligence. Merchants have the option to rely on Findify's innovative personalization algorithm for their needs, while also having the freedom to customize the customer experience according to their preferences. The solutions offered by Findify are fully adaptable to align with each merchant's brand and aesthetic.

Findify provides enterprise-level Personalized Search and Merchandising, Smart Collections, and Recommendations powered by artificial intelligence. Merchants have the option to rely on Findify's innovative personalization algorithm for their needs, while also having the freedom to customize the customer experience according to their preferences. The solutions offered by Findify are fully adaptable to align with each merchant's brand and aesthetic.

⭐️ Ratings & Reviews:

Avg. Rating: 4.7/5

Amount of Reviews: 240











Pricing of Findify Search & Personalize



AI Personalized Search & Autocomplete; Up to 100,000 visits/month; Up to 20,000 products; One store and language



AI Personalized Search & Autocomplete; Smart Collections; Up to 100,000 visits/month; Up to 50,000 products; Multiple stores/languages



All Professional features; Personalized Recommendations; Custom visits; Custom amount of products; Multiple stores/languages

About the developer:

Average Rating per App: 4.7/5

Amount of Apps built by developer: 1