Shipping labels, Shipping rate calculator

Australia Post Shipping by AMP

Rating: 4.6/5

Launched: 2013-04-04

Languages: English

Australia Post Shipping streamlines the shipping process by providing easy access to shipping rates and hassle-free fulfillment. It offers the option to display retail or contracted rates for both domestic and international customers. Rates are dynamically calculated using the Australia Post Retail API, based on the choice of using one's own packaging or Australia Post packages. Additionally, automated rules can be set up for shipping orders, considering factors such as shipping service, destination country, item weight, or price. Users can add custom rates to fulfillments, generate order manifests, and print labels and packing slips all within the same platform.

Australia Post Shipping streamlines the shipping process by providing easy access to shipping rates and hassle-free fulfillment. It offers the option to display retail or contracted rates for both domestic and international customers. Rates are dynamically calculated using the Australia Post Retail API, based on the choice of using one's own packaging or Australia Post packages. Additionally, automated rules can be set up for shipping orders, considering factors such as shipping service, destination country, item weight, or price. Users can add custom rates to fulfillments, generate order manifests, and print labels and packing slips all within the same platform.

Australia Post Shipping streamlines the shipping process by providing easy access to shipping rates and hassle-free fulfillment. It offers the option to display retail or contracted rates for both domestic and international customers. Rates are dynamically calculated using the Australia Post Retail API, based on the choice of using one's own packaging or Australia Post packages. Additionally, automated rules can be set up for shipping orders, considering factors such as shipping service, destination country, item weight, or price. Users can add custom rates to fulfillments, generate order manifests, and print labels and packing slips all within the same platform.

Australia Post Shipping streamlines the shipping process by providing easy access to shipping rates and hassle-free fulfillment. It offers the option to display retail or contracted rates for both domestic and international customers. Rates are dynamically calculated using the Australia Post Retail API, based on the choice of using one's own packaging or Australia Post packages. Additionally, automated rules can be set up for shipping orders, considering factors such as shipping service, destination country, item weight, or price. Users can add custom rates to fulfillments, generate order manifests, and print labels and packing slips all within the same platform.

⭐️ Ratings & Reviews:

Avg. Rating: 4.6/5

Amount of Reviews: 165











Pricing of Australia Post Shipping by AMP



Live rates at Checkout



All LITE features; MyPostBusiness Order Fulfilment; Shipping Labels; Print Manifests; Packing Slips



All BASIC features; Shipping automations; Custom rates rules; Bulk Fulfilments

Pro Plus


All PRO features; No monthly order limit

About the developer:

Average Rating per App: 4.6/5

Amount of Apps built by developer: 1