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Banza is a D2C food brand offering chickpea-based pasta, rice, and mac & cheese that are high in protein and fiber. Through innovation and nutrition, Banza aims to make comfort foods more nutritious.

Banza is a D2C food brand offering chickpea-based pasta, rice, and mac & cheese that are high in protein and fiber. Through innovation and nutrition, Banza aims to make comfort foods more nutritious.

Banza is a D2C food brand offering chickpea-based pasta, rice, and mac & cheese that are high in protein and fiber. Through innovation and nutrition, Banza aims to make comfort foods more nutritious.

Banza is a D2C food brand offering chickpea-based pasta, rice, and mac & cheese that are high in protein and fiber. Through innovation and nutrition, Banza aims to make comfort foods more nutritious.

Web Performance Data for Banza

Web Performance Data for Banza

Provided by Google Lighthouse

Overall Page Speed: 69

SEO Score: 92

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